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Spitz Auto Parts
1-800-637-A UTO
1-800-637-28 86
Irwin, PA
12570 Route 30
Pittsburgh, PA
5015 Grand Ave, Neville Island
New Castle, PA
620 South Mill Street
Spitz Auto Parts uses Social Media to communicate directly with our customers and share information.

Social Networks

Our Social Network pages are public, which means that anyone can see them.
We cannot be responsible for content.
But we will address any questionable
activity reported.

Do not use social networks to report phishing or questionable activity.
Contact us by phone, contact form or email for action on any matter.

Spitz Auto Parts is a corporation with many advertising/media/social relationships. Some content from others may not follow our standards.


When engaging Spitz Auto Parts, we encourage everyone to:

Use common courtesy and be respectful of others.
Never tweet personal, identifying or confidential information.
If you have an issue, contact us, we will take action.

Contact Us

Use the Contact Form at spitzautoparts.com
Call 1-800-637-2886
Visit one of our stores and speak with a professional in person
Email Us:
Request the email address of the person best suited for your inquiry by calling 1-800-637-2886 or use the contact form.